Jujutsu Kaisen
Jujutsu Kaisen is a manga written by Japanese manga artist Gege Akutami, which began serialization in Weekly Shonen Jump on March 5, 2018 ; it is the first of a new three-part serialization project to commemorate Weekly Shonen Jump’s 50th anniversary.
It was published as a single volume by Jiyosha, and in traditional Chinese by Tori Press [3] and in Hong Kong, China, by Culture Communications Group Limited. A digital version in simplified Chinese is available exclusively from Beeping Comics . The work was also adapted into an animated television series of the same name .
The manga was awarded 6th place in the Next Manga Awards 2018 and 1st place in the National Bookstore Shoppers’ Choice Manga 2019 . Gojo satoru is one of the most popular character.As of September 28, 2021, cumulative sales of the series, including digital versions, have exceeded 60 million copies. In July 2022, Jiyosha announced that total sales of the manga in a single volume had exceeded 65 million, 7.6 times more than when it was first animated in October 2020 .
Chinese Name | 咒术回战 |
Original Name | 呪術廻戦 |
English Name | Jujutsu Kaisen |
Auhtor | Gege Akutami |
Type | adventure, fantasy, combat |
Series | JUMP COMICS |
Translator | Shao-Jen Chang (Taiwan, China) |
Region | Japan |
Serialized magazines | “Weekly Shonen Jump” (Japan), “Baojima Junior” (Taiwan, China) |
Release date | July 4, 2018-unfinished |
Press | Shueisha Publishing Co., Ltd |
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